Brief CV
Personal Specifications:
Name: Mahnaz Shahgholian
Address: Department of Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
B.A. Clinical Psychology in Kharazmi University
M.A. General Psychology in Guilan University
Ph.D. Psychology in Tarbiat Modares University
Research Interests:
Health Psychology
Motivation and Emotion Psychology
Journal Articles:
Congress & Conferences:
Personal Specifications:
Name: Mahnaz Shahgholian
Address: Department of Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran
B.A. Clinical Psychology in Kharazmi University
M.A. General Psychology in Guilan University
Ph.D. Psychology in Tarbiat Modares University
Research Interests:
Health Psychology
Motivation and Emotion Psychology
Journal Articles:
- The Relationship of Alexithymia with Emotional Expression Styles and General Health among University Student. Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, 2007, 13(3), 238-248.
- The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles with Couples Communication Patterns. Counseling Research and Development, 2007, 6(22), 73-88.
- Alexithymia and Emotional Expression Styles in Iranian Subcultures. Journal of Psychology (Tabriz University), 2007, 2(7), 83-99.
- The Effect of Absent of Father (because of working) in Behavioral Disorders of School Students. Research in Psychological Health, 2008, 2(1), 29-35.
- The Relationship between Alexithymia and Suicidal Ideation: Dose Depression Play a Role as Mediator Variable?. Psychological Research, 2011, 13(2), 59-71.
- The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles with Marital Satisfaction and Marriage Adjustment. Developmental Psychology (Journal of Iranian Psychologists), 2011, 7(27), 279-287.
- The Relationship between Extraversion, Neuroticism and Cognitive Failures: The Assessment of Metacognition as a Mediator. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2011, 4(8), 41-50.
- Design of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) Computerized Version:Theoretical Fundamental, Developing and Psychometrics Characteristics. Quarterly Clinical Psychology Studies, 2011, 1(4), 111-133.
- An Investigation of Metacognitive Processing with regard to the Dimensions of Anxiety and Impulsivity. Research in Psychological Health, 2012, 5(3,4),13-21.
- Comparison of Metcognition Components and Cognitive Failures by Personality Dimensions. Journal of Behavioral Science, 2012, 6(2), 125-130.
- The Koppit’z Emotional Indicators as a Way for Representation of Fear and Coping with Injection Pain in Cancer and Healthy Children. Research in Psychological Health, 2013, 7(1), 65-73.
- The Relationship between Metacognitive Beliefs, Social Anxiety and Shyness: The Role of Emotion Regulation Strategies. Research in Psychological Health, 2013, 7(2), 13-22.
- Emotional Intelligence, Attachment Styles,and Self Esteem in and Non-Addicted. Health Psychology, 2013, 2(7), 69-81.
- < >e Relationship between Attachment Styles, Ambivalence over Emotional Expressiveness and Alexithymia. Research in Psychological Health, 2014, 8(1), 44-52.Internet Addiction, Social Intimacy and Happiness in College Students. Developmental Psychology, 2015, 11(42), 159-168.
- Emotional Expressiveness, Emotional Control,and Ambivalence over Emotional Expressiveness in
- Comparison of Cognitive Fatigue in Multiple Sclerosis Sufferers and Non sufferers according to Attributional Style. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 2014, 2(2), 59-68.
- Comparison of Brain/Behavioral Systems in Social Anxiety, Shyness with Social Anxiety Symptoms, and Shyness without Social Anxiety Symptoms. Journal of Behavioral Science, 2015, 9(1), 33-40.
- The Relationship between Brain/Behavioral Systems and Alexithymia by the Mediating Role of Positive and Negative Affect. Research in Psychological Health, 2014, 8(3), 13-22.
- Metacognition, Executive Functions and Anxiety: Towards an Integrated Approach to Complete Wells Anxiety Model. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 2015, 2(26), 1-14.
- Hardiness, Defense Mechanisms, Negative Self-Portrayal Scale in Applicants and non-applicants of cosmetic surgery. Journal of Behavioral Sciences, 2015, 10(1), 1-6.
- Mediating Role of the Positive and Negative Affect on the Relationship between Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Alexitimiya. Social Cognition, 2015, 4(1), 28-40.
- Maladaptive Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Social Anxiety: Mediating Role of Alexithymia. Research in Psychological Health, 2015, 9(1), 48-58.
- Language Anxiety and English Learning: Comparison the Impulsive/Reflective Cognitive Styles. Journal of Psychology, 2016, 20(1), 21-38.
- Comparison of Early Maladjusted Schemas, Hidden Anxiety, and Cognitive Regulation of Emotion in Normal and Delinquency Juveniles. The Neuroscience Journal of Shefaye Khatam, 2015, 3(4), 31-40.
- The Effect of Metacognition Processing on Brain Regional Activity with regard to Anxiety and Impulsivity. Journal of Psychology, 2016, 20(3), 244-262.
- Emotion regulation and metacognitive beliefs regarding pain management in patients with chronic headache. Clinical Psychology and Personality, (acceptance)
- The relationship between Learning Styles and Parenting Styles with Self Regulated Learning in Students. Clinical Psychology and Personality, (acceptance)
- The Role of Loneliness and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Relationship of Brain Behavioral Systems with Internet Addiction. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, (acceptance)
- The Relationship between Visual-Spatial Memory with Critical Thinking Disposition and Attitude toward Creativity Given the Preference Hemisphere, Basis for the Generalizability of the Right Hemisphere Cognitive Functions. Social Cognition, (acceptance)
Congress & Conferences:
- The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles with Couples Communication Patterns. The second Congress of Family Pathology in Iran, Tehran,2006.
- Compare of Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles in Satisfied and non-Satisfied Couples of Marriage. The second Congress of Family Pathology in Iran, Tehran, 2006.
- The Relationship between Alexithymia with Emotional Expression Styles and General Health among Iranian University Student. 10th European Congress of Psychology, 2007 (ECP2007).
- The Effect of Absent of Father (because of working in Asaluye) in Behavioral Disorders of School Students.11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, 2009 (ECP2009).
- Alexithymia and Suicidal Ideation: Dose Depression Play a Role as Mediator Variable. 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, 2009 (ECP2009).
- Alexithymia and Emotional Expression Styles in Iranian Subcultures. 11th European Congress of Psychology, Oslo, 2009 (ECP2009).
- The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Coping Styles with Marital Satisfaction and Marriage Adjustment. 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, 2011 (ECP2011).
- The Relationship between Extraversion, Neuroticism and Cognitive Failures: The Assessment of Metacognition as a Mediator. 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, 2011 (ECP2011).
- Design of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) computerized version: Theoretical Fundamental, Developing and Psychometrics Characteristics. 13th European Congress of Psychology, Sweden, 2013 (ECP2013).
- The Assessment of Metacognitive Processing with regard to Anxiety and Impulsivity. 13th European Congress of Psychology, Sweden, 2013 (ECP2013).
- Cognitive Emotion Regulation and Pain Management in Patients with Chronic Headache. 5th Congress of Iranian Psychological Association, Tehran, 2015.
- Parenting Styles and Self Regulated Learning in Students. 5th Congress of Iranian Psychological Association, Tehran, 2015.
- Study of Brain-Behavioral Systems with Internet Addiction Syndrome. The First Iran Conference Psychology, Tehran, 2015.
- Hardiness, Defense Mechanisms, Negative Self-Image in Applicants and non-Applicants of Cosmetic Surgery. The First Iran Psychology Conference, Tehran, 2015.
- Compare of Ego Development Level, Metacognitive Beliefs, and Hardiness in the Children with Singleor Tow Parent. The First Iran Psychology Conference, Tehran, 2015.
- Comparison of Executive Functions in Epilepsy and non-Epilepsy People. The first International Conference on Psychology and Educational Sciences, Tehran, 2015.
- The Relationship Attributional Style and Coping Styles in M.S and non M.S Patients. 5th International Congress on Psychology and Behavioral Sciences, Tehran, 2016.
- The Relationship between Personality Traits, Family Communication Patterns, and Family Violence with tend to Addiction in Adolescents and Youth in Isfahan.
- Comparison of Hardiness, Defense Mechanisms, and the Negative Self Image in Applicants for Beauty Surgery and non-applicants.
- Ego Development Level, Metacognitive Beliefs, and Hardiness in the Children with Single or Tow Parent.
- The Relationship among Emotional Expressiveness, Emotional Control, and Brain-Behavioral Systems with Internet Addiction Syndrome.
- The Role of Mindfulness in Relationship between Extraversion/Neuroticism with Mental Well-being.
- The Relationship Impulsivity with Cognitive Failures: The Role of Meta Cognitive Processing.
- The Relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Marital Satisfaction: The Role of Cognitive Schemas.
- The Role of Brain-Behavioral Systems (BIS-BAS), Emotional Schemas and Executive Dysfunction in Prediction of Adolescents Obsessive Beliefs.
- The Role of Loneliness and Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies in the Relationship of Brain Behavioral Systems with Internet Addiction.
- The Role of Emotional Memory in the Relation between Mindfulness and Interpersonal Problems.
- The Role of Emotional Expression Styles )Emotional Expressiveness, Ambivalence over Emotional Expressiveness, Emotion Control) and Alexithymia in Acceptance Cosmetic Surgery. The Relationship Mindfulness and Metacognition with Emotional Creativity.
- The Relationship between Metacognitive Beliefs with Social Anxiety and Shyness to Regard to Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation.
- Investigating the Role of Language Anxiety in Learning English Language in People with Reflective- Impulsive Cognitive Style.
- The Relationship between AttachmentStyles and Ambivalence over Emotional Expressiveness with Alexithymia.
- Relationship between Spiritual Intelligence and Emotional Intelligence with Happiness.
- Relationship betwee, Activity Systems of Brain/Behavioral, Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Alexithymia According to affects.
- The Relationship between Attributional Style and Cognitive Fatigue in M.S Patients According to Coping Strategies.
- The Relationship between Emotional Expression Style and Attribution Control Style in Domestic Violence against Women: The Role of Gender Stereotypes. The Relationship between Emotion Regulation and Metacognitive Beliefs in Pain Management in People with Chronic Headache.
- The Relationship between Learning Styles and Parenting Styles with Self Regulated Learning in Students.
- The Relationship between Attachment Style, Parenting Style, Parents' Marital Satisfaction with Aggression in Children.
- The Relationship of Hemisphere Preference with Social Anxiety and Blushing, Due Mediating Role of Emotion-Regulation and Behavioral-Brain Systems.
- The Comparison of Self-Regulation, Body-Image and Life Quality among Normal and Obese Women.
- Compare Marital Satisfaction, Social Support with Psychological Well-being in Fertile and Infertile Couples.
- The Relation between Tolerance Ambiguity and Coping Styles with Substance in non Addict.
- Comparison of Executive Function, Memory False and Attention Selective in Epilepsy Patients with normal people.
- Comparison Early Maladjusted Schemas, Hidden Anxiety and Cognitive Regulation of Emotion in Normal and Delinquency Juveniles.
- Comparison of Prospective and Retrospective Memory, Selective Attention and Judgment of MS Patients and Non-Patients People.
- The Role of Reading Mind from Eyes, Mental Culture and Emotional Intelligence in Social Decision Making.
- The Relationship between Attachment Styles and Perfectionism with Mate Selection Criteria SingleStudents University Kharazmi.
- Executive Functions of Pre-Frontal Lobe in Elderly.
- Domestic Violence: The Role of Big Five Personality Factors, Resiliency and Stress Coping Strategies.
- Relationship between Executive Functions and Positive and Negative Mood and Creativity of Students.
- Comparison of Executive Functions And Creative Thinking In Bilingual And Monolingual Older.
- Relationship between Hardiness, Emotional Quotient (EQ), Resilience and Self-Efficacy with Decision-Making in Crisis Managers of the Iranian Red Crescent.
- The Relation between Pro-Environmental Behavior with Health and Spiritual Intelligence.
- Intimate Partner Violence and Marital Commitment: Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Perceived Social Support.
- The Comparison of Sleep Quality, Psychological Well-being, Chronic Fatigue and Impulsivity in Persons with Sleep Disorder and Common People.
- Comparison of Executive Functions and the Spiritual Intelligence in People with Dementia Bilingual and Monolingual.
- The Relationship between Positive and Negative Affects, Conscientiousness, Marital Satisfaction: the Role of Social Network Sites.
- The effect of Reiki on anxiety, pain and quality of life of women 55-45 years before and after the CABG in Heshmat Hospital.
Executive Activities
Executive Activities Titles
Name of Organization / comment
Starting Date
Termination Date
Theses supervised
Comparison of Hardiness,Defense Mechanisms and the Negative Slfe Image in Applicants for Beuty Surgery and non applicants
خاطره حسینی
Ego development level,metacognitive beliefs,and hardiness in the children with single or two parent
نجات دریس
The Relationship among emotional expressiveness, emotional control, and brain-behavioral systems with Internet addiction Syndrome
پریناز رستمی
determining the Emotional Self - regulation Role in improving self efficacy and reducing depression in middle aged women.
To the guidance of Dr. Shahgholian and consultation of Dr. Abdollahi
فاطمه شریفی فر
The Relationship between Values in action (via) and the Coping Schemas with Psychological Distress in the Corona epidemic period: The mediating role of resilience
محمد مهدوی میدانی
The Relationship between Positive Memory of Inhibitory Control and Suicidal Symptoms and Thoughts in People with Earthquake Therma Experience
سیدعلی کاظمی رضائی
زهرا عباس نژادبندری
The role of dysfunctional beliefs, attachment disorders and negative emotions in predicting adolescents' resilience to non-lethal self-inflicted behaviors
ارغوان کوچک حسینی
Relationship between boredom and internet addiction: Mediating Role of hardiness and self worth in teenagers
علی نصیبی
زهرا عباس نژادبندری
The relationship of perfectioninsm, cognitive flexibility and shame with psychosomatic disorders in non-clinical population
سارا پرستش
The effect of positive emotion induction on the specificity of autobiographical memory and improving the problem-solving ability of non-clinical depressed people
نازنین حنیفه زاده
Diagnostic role of mood disorders, personality type D, childhood trauma in cancer risk
عاصمه شخص بلندقدر
Predicting bereavement experience based on attachment styles and defense mechanisms
حسین صادقی
The relationship between childhood trauma and integrative self-knowledge (ISK) with mental pain in university students with suicidal ideation
علی شهبازقزوینی
The relationship of cognitive fusion and emotional processing with psychological distress in adolescents
پویان عزتی زاده
The Relationship among Emotional schemas, differentiation of self and Mentalization with Borderline personality traits
علی ناظم زاده
محمدامین شهروئی
relationship between Trauma and Attachment with Cognitive Functions and Social loneliness in people with Mild Cognitive Impairment: the role of Ego strength and neuroticism
مریم محمدی
The relationship between self-silencing, rejection sensitivity and negative affect with severity of depression in women
پرستو اسمعیلی
The Relationship Rumination and Worry with post-traumatic stress symptoms, Cancer-related Distress and Fear of recurrence in patients with Barest Cancer: The Role of Emotional Dysregulation and Fatigue
سارا قاسم زاده برکی
The model of self-silencing in married women based on attachment , emotional expression, loneliness and compassion and the design of a related educational package
فاطمه نعیمی پور
Designing a comprehensive model of cognitive impairment in people with multiple sclerosis (MS) in order to provide a cognitive rehabilitation training program and its trial
مریم حضرتی
Predicting Academic Procrastination based on Ego depletion, Self-control and Self-efficacy in university students
منا هجرتی
Theses advised
comparison early maladjusted schemas, hidden anxiety and cognitive regulation of emotion in normal and delinquency
فایزه اسحقی مقدم کته شمشیر
comparison of executive function, false memory in patients with epilepsy and normal people
فاطمه بابائی
The Relationship among hardiness, emotional intelligence, resilience and self-efficacy with decision-making in crisis managers of The Iranian red crescent society
سوده کافی
Comparison Of Executive Functions And Creative Thinking In Bilingual And Monolingual Older
نسیم السادات حسینی زاده
The effect of medical energy on anxiety,pain and quality of life of women 45-55 years before and after the CABG in heart medical center Dr. Heshmat.Rasht
آمنه رحیمی
Predicting Psychological Well-being Based on Cognitive Failures and Negative Affect Mediated by Coping Self-efficacy And Social Support in the Elderly
اعظم محمدی
The role of impulsivity, executive functions and dispositional mindfulness in the occurrence of high-risk behaviors of young people
مرضیه اصغری
Predicting Adolescent Impulsivity behavior: The Role of Emotional Process Regulation, Emotional Empathy, and Problem Solving Skills
زهرا شمسی
The relation health literacy, mental health and religiosity with self_ care of patients covid_19
لیلا سلیمی
The effect of goal-related emotions and alertness on false memory
مینو همراهی
Relationship between Intolerance of Uncertainty, Cognitive Emotion Regulation Strategies and Corona Disease Anxiety with Self-Care Behaviors During the Covid-19 Epidemic
الهه ازادمنجیری
The Relationship between Nonsuicidal Self-Injury and Suicidal Ideation and Attempt in adolescents, due to the Moderator Role of Emotional Dysregulation, Interpersonal Problems, and Self-Punishment, and Providing a Preventive Educational Program
فاطمه وحدت نیا
Relationship between overgeneral autobiographical memory and working memory with Cognitive Failure in the elderly mediated by emotion regulation
نجمه خوش روزازاد
Development of a causal model of behavioral problems of preschool children based on maternal anxiety and developmental milestones with the mediating role of parental control
مهشید مرتضوی
The relationship between self-compassion and emotion regulation with emotional eating: the mediating role of smartphone addiction
فرزاد جمشیدی مقدم
Evaluating the association between resilience and quality of sleep with quality of life in multiple sclerosis
اذر شعاعی
Relationship between Hidden Curriculum and Academic Procrastination in Kharazmi University Students: the role of Gender and Resilience
ارزو مومنی
The relationship between social support and Cognitive regulation of emotion and With homesickness in dormitory students.
مبینا شمسی خانی
The relationship between job stress,organizational support, cognitive flexibility, empathy with the quality of life of employees
ساجده فرخی
The relationship between cognitive-emotional regulation strategies with problem solving and conflict resolution skills in managers
پریسا عزیزابادی فراهانی
Published articles
Paper title
Magazine title
Publish year
Publish type
Article type
The Role of Aging on Executive Functions and Episodic Memory: The Moderating Role of Coping Self-efficacy and Social Support in an Elderly Sample
Azam Mohammadi, Mohammad hossein Abdollahi, , , Hadi -hashemi razini
American Journal of Biomedical Science & Research
Full Text
a different perspective on self determination theory , a suggestion
Mahyar Vaezi,
acta neurophysiologica
Full Text
Investigating the Effective Factors in the Formation of Deliberate Self-harm in Adolescence: Mental Health Professionals' Viewpoints
Mehrnaz Yekta, Mohammad naghy Farahani, Hamid Khanipor,
Journal of Practice in Clinical Psychology
Full Text
Predicting the Mental Health of Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Patients based on Relationship Quality, Early Maladaptive Schemas, and Fear of Disease Progression
Soraya khanlari, , Mohammad hossein Abdollahi
Iranian Evolutionary and Educational Psychology
Full Text
The predictive role of working memory and impulsivity in internet addiction, an investigation about the mediating role of time perception
Salar Khanbabaei, Mohammad hossein Abdollahi,
Full Text
The Relationship between Emotional Schemas, Differentiation of Self, as well as Mentalization and Borderline Personality Features in a Non-Clinical Population
Ali Nazemzade, , Fereadoun Yaryari
International Journal of Psychology
Full Text
Relationship between Impulsivity and Meta-Cognition with Cognitive Failures
Sedigheh Mirzaei, , Mohammad hossein Abdollahi, samira akhavan arjmand
international journal of behavioral sciences
Full Text
The role of emotional memory in the relation between mindfulness and interpersonal problems
Mozhgan Shamseddini, , Mohammad hossein Abdollahi
Journal of Advanced Pharmacy Education & Research [JAPER]
Full Text
executive functioning and creative thinking in bilinguals and monlinguals aged 60-80 years living in tehran
Nasim Hoseinizadeh, Mohammad hossein Abdollahi,
Iranian Journal of Ageing
Full Text
The Role of Reading Mind from Eyes Mental Culture and Emotional Intelligence in Social Decision-Making
MANIA REZAIEAN, Mohammad hossein Abdollahi,
international journal of behavioral sciences
Full Text
The Role of Fatigue and Depression in Illness Perception of Patients with Multiple Sclerosis
Mohammad hossein Abdollahi, , Shahab Baheshmat Juybari
chronic diseases journal
Full Text
Hardiness defense mechanisms negative self-image in applicants and non-applicants of cosmetic surgery
, , Mohammad hossein Abdollahi
Full Text
Hardiness Defense Mechanisme Negative Self Image in Applicants and Non applicants of Cosmetic Surgery
Khatereh Hosseini, , Mohammad hossein Abdollahi
international journal of behavioral sciences
Full Text